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                Jiangyin Yangtian Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. Hotline:+86-18661082086

                Product Name Nitrogen machine special pneumatic valve

                Contact us





                Address:No. 11, Yuefa Road, Yuecheng Town, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province


                Nitrogen machine special pneumatic valve

                Type 2000 external pilot control Angle seat valves are actuated by single or double acting piston actuators. Actuators come in two different materials for different ambient temperatures. Gun copper or stainless steel two way valve body, large flow reliable self-adjusting packing seal provides high tightness. The maintenance-free durable valve can be added with various accessories, thus having the function of position indication, travel limit or manual switch.

                Nitrogen machine special 2000 type Angle seat valve. There are two kinds of stainless steel and copper. Diameter dn13-125 complete specifications, is the majority of nitrogen machine users ideal choice. Price concessions, the number of movements can reach more than 500 million times.

                Technical parameters: inner hole DN 15-65

                Medium temperature: - 10 to + 180 ℃

                Material of valve body: gun copper, cast stainless steel 316L stainless steel 316L actuator material PA,

                Interface: threaded connection and welding

                Medium water: alcohol, oil, fuel, salt solution, alkali solution, organic solvent, steam, industrial gas

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