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                Jiangyin Yangtian Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. Hotline:+86-18661082086

                ABOUT US

                Jiangyin Yangtian Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. is a private technology-based joint-stock enterprise. The company is located in Yuecheng Town, Jiangyin City, which is known as the Jiangnan Water Town. It is adjacent to the Qingyang Exit of Yanjiang Expressway and is only 1000 meters away. The company is about 10,000 square meters and has modern industry. The factory building is 4,000 square meters, and the business intelligent office space is 1000 square meters.

                The company is engaged in the research, development, design, production, manufacture, sales and service of various industrial gas equipment, providing professional industrial gas resources and supporting products.

                The company always adheres to the concept of “people-oriented, realistic and innovative, customer first, quality assurance”, actively explores and develops new technologies and new technologies, and continuously introduces advanced technologies and scientific research results at home and abroad.

                We provide customers with more valuable technologies and products through innovative and advanced technology, stable and reliable quality, fast and professional service, and rigorous and efficient management.

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