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                Jiangyin Yangtian Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. Hotline:+86-18661082086


                What is the use of nitrogen generator in food industry?

                2022/12/19 11:29:22

                What is the use of nitrogen generator in food industry?

                1、 Refrigerated food and quality assurance food: some food products are stored in ultra-low temperature, and in many cases, ultra-low temperature cannot be maintained all the time during transportation, which must be maintained by liquid nitrogen. The food type nitrogen generator can produce this type, which can also help store food for everyone to use.

                2、 Wine production: In many cases, if O2 is too low, it will interfere with its quality. However, it can rely on another kind of vapor, namely N2, to help, and it can also compete with O2 to help people produce wine. This process has already been applied in many countries and is very reasonable.
                Jiangyin Yangtian Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. has advanced technical advantages in the nitrogen machine industry. Because of its focus, it is professional, with advanced technology and high-quality and efficient services.

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